in humanity.
a patron comes in. super regular nice awesome family.
kids are kids however.
5 1/2 year old melts down. hard. boneless. sobbing. the works.
(noted: she has a 14 month old and 9 year old with her too; including books to check out and a stroller to deal with).
patrons on the internet 10 feet away flip out. FLIP. OUT.
so much so that this poor mother is not only subjected to a man coming all the way out from the internet cave to my desk to loudly complain 'HOW MUCH LONGER DO WE HAVE TO LISTEN TO THIS???' to 5 min later having a lady *herself* verbally confront and yell at the mom in telling her to "LEAVE. NOW. Take him home!". only to have added people at other terminals echo out loud 'yeah! we've had enough!' (really people?? REALLY??)
yeah, that makes the situation better on all fronts. (and like the mom wasn't trying to do that with above mentioned things she had to wrestle with).
i totally defended (she's doing the best she can! this is a public place...) and tried to physically help the mom out. the lack of humanity i witnessed from the mean people made me so frustrated at how soul-less and heartless some people are.
thankfully i believe there to be less of them than the good eggs.
not surprisingly it's full moon in 2 days. may they crawl back under their crabby rocks anytime now...
Refgrunt 4/15/22
2 years ago