frustration...with just my own self...

some things i do well.

some things i do really well.

some things i try to do well but they take work. (that's okay. i'm good with challenges...)

and sometimes i think i'm on my game and then *bam*.

i'm not.

so tonight i realized it's october 29th and i am behind in a monthly duty for work
(there are very vaild other work reasons for this occurring in the first place. i didn't mean to slack, scout's honor!)
also got a rightfully questioning email from a coworker basically saying 'what gives??'

so i am sitting here at home after a good workout with my run club (praise the good guy upstairs for this group...they really save my sanity and make me a better person...) and am slaving away over ordering books for the kids department from a major library jobber's website.

so tired....

but then right after i sit down, here comes my girl ellie...

and all is right with the world in that moment. purring commences...and i continue to frantically type away ISBN numbers...

and then, all of a sudden, it's almost time for bed and another day to start....*yawn*. til later...~jd


Carolnb said...
October 30, 2008 at 10:00 AM

isbn's show up in some of my nightmares...

David said...
October 30, 2008 at 11:41 AM

Animals just know...

MissAllycat said...
October 30, 2008 at 1:08 PM

David stole my line. He's right. Animals just know.

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