(a stunning but cold eclipse from about a year ago)
(up in the arrowhead region)
full moon. one of the most beautiful things mother nature gives us.
it also makes little children and infants cry more.
it's true.
i noticed it in the 3 hours in a row i was at the kids desk today at work.
still? it's part of the job, and giving a sympathetic eye towards the parents, or trying to make the kids feel better with a hi or a bye-bye wave if they're leaving, or anything small to try and make it better makes *me* feel like maybe i'm helping...a trick i learned recently was to use bubbles or maracas near the crying child to distract them. gotta go to target to get those ;)
on the running thing...the foot for this runner girl is apparently better. thank. goodness.
an interesting thought popped into my head today.
i've heard this vaguely in other running stories....does running define who you are? does it define your life more than anything else?
it's funny. if folks ask what i do, it's a 50-50 shot of the context and whether 'librarian' or 'i run' comes out first.
if i couldn't run, what would i do? (cry, be depressed, whine a lot more)
if i couldn't run, i realize life wouldn't end. but boy would it be hard. it would be like a part of me wasn't breathing right.
injuries happen. this i know. (do you hear the knocking on wood here? loudly..)
but will anything keep me from my dreams if at all possible?
so does running define me or my life? yes.
but only a part of it.
another interesting query....is running a religion? or an addiction?
you make the call that's right for you....(of course this is a shout out to my runnin' faithful)
peace ~ jd
Everybody needs some sort of addiction.
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