my running mojo...

has disappeared.

that can't be good.

someone please send it back.

i just want to sleep. read. be.

which is not really me all that often....

and we haven't even completed base phase...whiny? check.

confidence lost? at the moment.

but today? supposed to do 7 miles post work. why is it so hard lately to put the shoes on?


Carolnb said...
March 31, 2009 at 1:53 PM

The grey weather is probably keeping you down. We need sun!

Marathon Maritza said...
April 6, 2009 at 9:28 PM

I hate those kinds of weeks! Seriously, just do it. It's gonna suck and only will get worse the longer you put it off. Think about your last great run and use that as motivation...make the 'last great run' a new one!!! :)

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