my techie hookup with canada via flickr...

at first i thought this was kind of a joke or spam. but it seems very legit. I did Thing 4, in varying ways, a few days ago. Then within 2 days of hooking a photo of the Blarney Castle from my honeymoon into Flickr, I got this email....

Hi there,
My name is Amy Judd and I work for NowPublic, which is a news gathering website based in Vancouver, Canada, and one of our members has written a story about the Blarney Stone. The only problem is, that they have no pictures to accompany the story, and I came across yours and wondered if you would like to share them to enhance the story and make it better.

so one click of the mouse on a link Amy included later, I'm part of an online news story about Blarney....(it's not just my pic there, clearly they asked lots of others.....but still. I shot the photo, I stored it in iPhoto for 6 years, and randomly chose that pic out of about 2800 photos to put into Thing 4's assignment) :) and with St Patty's Day around the corner, I had the jones to see Ireland virtually again...

so a nice surprise to my efforts on 23 things. here's the link if interested...

i will be completely disconnected from plugged in technology for the next 3-4 days. blissfully disconnected. this online junkie needs a serious break/intervention. take a vacation from reality.....when i'm here at home, i spend much time on the computer, both work & play. up north, i don't even think about it. It feels SO good to go into nature, the woods, hear and gaze at Lake Superior (angry waves at this time of year usually), drinking wine, snowshoeing, having wood fireplace warmth (my latest tattoo is fire related), trying out a sled dog adventure with one of my best friends, and scoring great star/moon/mabye-if-we're-lucky-Northern-Lights gazing skies...must go pack & bake....
peace & blessings,
~jd, aka firegirl

PS i just happened to notice the gigantic golden full moon rising. magic. still doesn't fit in my head that the moon rises at wacky times, nor on a regular schedule like the sun rises & sets, but it's still magic to me. Enjoy your waning full moon weekend....


Monica Stratton said...
February 23, 2008 at 10:35 AM

Now you're a photographer *and* a children's librarian! JD on the move ... very cool. I love getting those weird emails from out of nowhere. Have received a few myself and they always surprise me. What did we do before email existed? :-) Have fun up north!

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