notable weekend....

for a variety of reasons....

*Birthdays. 3 favorites of mine turning TWO :)
April 19th....
-Madalyn Mills Noll, our next door 'baby neighba' is officially a toddler! :) Maddie, you've been such an adorable lil thing to see grow from the get-go in your mom to becoming a walking talking waving-at-me cutie :) We look forward to years of you on the other side of our fence and all of the adventures of becoming *your* friends as you grow...and we love your parents and your dogs as well of course :)

-Ella Marie & Zoe Dianne, fraternal cuties are also turning two the same day as Maddie! Ella & Zoe had a more unexpected start in the world back in see, they were not due until June 26th!!! So they came in litttttle teeny tiny babes, and are precocious, adorable, healthy toddlers now! I love seeing them when they and their momma Jeremi come to my storytimes :) Jeremi and I go way back to my first job out of college in an elementary school library in a building where J taught Kindergarten, and is, to this day, one of my all time favorite teacher colleagues...

*Major friends Ryan and Lisa are running the Boston Marathon on Monday!!! I can't wait to scope them out online on Monday watching live results and footage! Safe travels, safe running and way to go for even qualifying! Kick some booty!

*and lastly, it's full moon on Sunday. I'm all about the moon phases. No idea why really. Just that it's such a beautifully cool thing to see change each month. It's one of those things I notice almost every month without really even thinking about it....And when the full moon is first rising over the horizon on a dusky evening, it's hard to not find that just mesmerizing...

have a good weekend....peace, happy birthdays, cool runnings, and bless the full moon, ~jd


Stacy said...
April 25, 2008 at 10:48 PM

Best neighbor,
That's a super cute shout-out to Maddie!! I know she appreciates it!

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