Thing 16 ~ Student 2.0 Tools

well, this toon goes against how I was as a student. I was always done with projects early. Not wicked stupid early, but a day or two early. Get 'er done! I don't think in all 18 1/2 years of total schooling that I *ever* pulled an all nighter. You knew the stuff or you didn't. Staying up all night didn't do anything for just made me cranky and tired. So I chose to sleep. Grad school was 3 years after finishing my BA in Elementary Education. It was more of a challenge to get stuff done, but had I had this or this admittedly, life would have been easier and linked well to the online life I have today. Back in the 'old' days (clears throat, I *only* graduated with my MLIS in 2001 people) I didn't use the web nearly as much as I do now for work and play.

I can see how these tools could benefit both public and academic librarians. More so the academics, having access to prof's syllabyi, rubrics (which makes me think of my friends, the Rupprechts), research students need to do etc. But we have many colleges and universities within 30 miles of our building (actual two notable universities within a mere 6 or 7 miles) and if a student needed access to their research project calculators from the library's internet or full service machines, they'd be in luck.

sidenote of the day. Today is the warmest day since my birthday (which was in November). Times are a changing. When you're given lemons (like 7" of snow 4 days ago), make lemonade. (yes a splash of hooch is okay ;) And by George, I have tomorrow off, when it's supposed to be even a little bit warmer. I'm trying to remain the glass half full girl... ~jd


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