what if ???

the biggest open ended question of life.

what if it wasn't sleety/thunder/rainy/grossness out right now? (I wouldn't have bailed on my training run today, that's fer sure. but I did. and had a blast out with a friend in place of it...)

what if I had never moved to MN? where would I be living? what library would I be working at?

what if we picked up and moved in a month to a small rural town in upstate Minnesota?

what if I want to try skydiving?

what if that guy I would have asked out years ago had said yes? Would I be with him still? (yes, I love my spouse a great deal, but girls think questions like this once in a while...)

what if something I never saw coming happens in the next 3 months? 6 months? year? How would I handle it?

what if that curb dh hit tonight did screw up his truck? (fingers crossed, it's fine).

big or little, it's amazing how if you really let your mind go, it has the ability to fly away with so many possibilites....which sometimes can be a nice diversion and sometimes it can just drive one batty. as it's almost impossible to turn off things like the heart or mind when they really don't want to be silenced.....some things in life are for you to control (grades, speed limits, things like that). But most of it otherwise? not so much. You just go through life, one hour, one day, one month at a time and see what dishes up for you...and as my posts have shown this week, life can be super short, or shorter than you might expect sometimes. So work hard. Play harder. And live each day as it could be your last.....to the fullest.

I swear, the 5th tattoo is not that far away....I have a total new ink craving.....peace...~jd


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